Apologies for my absences the last couple of weeks, these were due to hectic.com and then ill.com (don't worry, nothing life threatening, just one of these horrible bugs that is going around). All better now though and hopefully will get back to crafting in earnest as I really need to bottom out the Christmas cards and get back to making something different! Not that I am fed up of all the glitter and christmas trees just yet, but I think it will be getting that way soon...

So, on my desk today are...drum roll...some glittery christmas trees! I am enjoying making these actually and tipping glitter all over the floor :-) (We were sitting at the dinner table the other night and I spotted glitter on hubby's cheek, oops!) The other card on my desk is a bit of a disaster, the one with the gingerbread men. I recently bought some Rangers Glossy Accents and haven't really got to grips with what I am supposed to do with it as yet (any tips would be gratefully received!) So I decided to put it on the gingerbread men but they went curly and then the glaze cracked :-( I think the paper was too thin, so maybe I should only use it on card or chipboard shapes. Bit sad about the gingerbread men though as I rather liked them and as they were out of a magazine I haven't got any more.

If you are wondering what WOYWW is all about, pop over to Julia's blog at the Stamping Ground and find out all about it!

Have a great week everybody!


  1. Glad to hear your feeling better. There are a lot of nasty bugs about at the mo. Happy crafting.
    A x

  2. Hi ya
    glad to hear you are feeling better, lots bugs around at the mo, lovely creative desk, only god thing about this time year you can use lots glitter,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (29)

  3. great creative desk,and glad you are feeling better too hun Hugs Cheryl 62

  4. Hiya love the crimbo trees lovely creative desk so glad your feeling alittle better
    hugs judex

  5. Hey, just use a little glossy accents to stick the gingerbread men down on your card - it has a 5sec grab - and the fact they have cracked will add to their appeal. (32)

  6. Glad to hear that you are feeling better now. Love the trees. Happy crafting. Kathleen x

  7. My OH often goes to work with glitter adorning his chops... they sure suffer for our art don't they ROFL

  8. Glad you are feeling better. Fab christmassy things going on this week.

    Have a fab week...A.xx(2)

  9. Glad you're feeling better Ali, I'm usually covered in glitter and stuff, and so is my other half! He just rolls his eyes sometimes! Love glossy accents, just have to use it sparingly. I also use on coloured and stamped images, especially if I've embossed an image as that gives it an enclosure to sit in. Crack the gingerbead men some more and stick them down, they'll look great, like triple cracked embossing!

    Brenda 92

  10. love the tree you are using, can you download extras from the magazine website?

  11. Yah, on thinner paper, I stick down first then add glossy accents. I use a reasonably thin coat and if I wnat extra thick or shine, I add another coat after drying. But you're right, it's just the paper - son't give up using it!! Like the glittery swirly tree very much.

  12. love the black background on your cards. Non traditional but Oh so classy looking.

  13. glad you're better and getting your projects done. hope somebody can give you good advice about those gingerbread men. i have no idea what glossy accents are.
    Happy WOYWW from #20 this week!

  14. Love the glitery christmas trees - made me laught at the thought of your hubby with glitter on him lol

  15. Nice to read you are felling better. The glitter in the trees is lovely, but the glitter on your hubby was funny beyond words. Sorry I'm so late getting here. You would think since I had most of my obligations out of the way, I would have freed up a bit more computer time. Unfortunately, what happened was, I was so far behind, I became overwhelmed. Will try to do better this week.

  16. Well you have had good advice about Glossy Accents..it took me while to find out its uses.
    Sue xx 77


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